In preparation for this trip, we’ve spent time learning about Rwanda’s history, culture and people.

These are a few of the books, videos, and resources we’ve

The Forgotten Genocide – Ghosts of Rwanda (

What stuck me was the 2 people who stayed. What makes a person do that? What is cultivated in their life in the regular every day habits such that when faced with the choice one would risk ones life, security, and safety for the sake of another? Clearly it is unusual as very very few made that choice. My prayer is that as I continue my own journey with the One who laid His life for me, I would cooperate with Him in cultivating that heart in me.

Helping without hurting in short term missions

This was a refresher – but with a short term mission focus. What struck me was the importance of giving time to listening more than doing. It’s difficult to quantify to others; “I went to Rwanda and listened” does not sound the same as; “I went to Rwanda and did….” But Love does what is best, not what is easy to explain.

Poverty, Inc film (I found it on one of our TV apps, I forget which one)

This was a refresher as well. A must see for anyone wanting to care for another well, especially cross-culturally.

The Girl Who Smiled Beads

Favorite Quote: “I’ve seen enough to know you can be a human with a mountain of resources and you can be a human with nothing, and you can be a monster either way. With privalage comes a nearly unavoidable egoism and so much shame, and often the coping mechanism is to give. This is great and necessary, but giving as a framework creates problems. You give, I take; I give, you take – both scenarious establish heirarchy. Both instill entitlement. The only road to equality – a sence of common humanity; peace – is sharing… When we share, you are not using your privilage to get me to line up behind you. When we share, you are not insisting on being my savior. Claire & I always looked for the sharers….I have sugar, I have water. Let’s share water. Let’s not make a charity about it.” (p.117)

Strength in What Remains

What must it be like to be a medical student in residency (highly educated, highly skilled) and come to this country as a refugee fleeing from war, only to find yourself sleeping in Central Park and working in questionable conditions, hours for very very little pay.

This one was a reminder of the existence of evil, prejudice, and harm mixed with kindness, care, and love no mater what continent one finds themselves on.