
“You don’t learn to pray by studying prayer. You learn to pray by studying God.”

— @hbcharlesjr #ExpositorsSummit

all day yesterday i searched for the words to conclude this series on prayer, but they never came.  so i waited-having learned this month to hold the commitment to write each day loosely when the words aren’t there.  This morning at Bible Study i heard this quote and knew these were the very words i was waiting for to end this series on.

i started this series with questions and as i glance back through i see this focus on knowing Jesus emerging.  and i find myself settling in on a new question;

 Lord I know that you are with me, what can i know about You here in this place, in this circumstance?

i’d say that’s been a shift from studying prayer to studying God, wouldn’t you?

post scirpt

One habit that has greatly influenced my prayer walk has been the habit of Adoration.  i don’t remember how i came upon Sara Hagerty’s blog, but i will say that i joined instagram so that i could daily meditate on Who God Is. because daily she posts these:


i think there were over 1600 other bloggers who took on this write31days challenge.  Here are a few i enjoyed: